User talk:Jvb/Eurabia
Moved here from Talk:Eurabia by FvdP. --FvdP 20:43, 25 Jan 2005 (UTC)
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More and faster … the story of the radicalising Muslim youth of Holland
[edit]The number of young Muslims in the Netherlands who are turning against Dutch society and who hold Dutch culture in contempt is riding a parabola. An estimated 1,500 potential “assassins of Van Gogh” are out there right now, prepared to die to establish an Islamic state in Holland. And that’s no Neo-Nazi scare-talk. It is the considered view of the Dutch General Information and Security Service (AIVD), the Dutch state security, and it is expressed in their report on the radicalizing of Islam in the Netherlands, From Dawa* to Jihad (in Dutch) The report, which has been sent to the Dutch House of Commons and to all mayors, records the increased loathing Muslims now feel for the “corrupting Western life style”. Their youth are the “new protest generation”. They are turning themselves not only against Dutch society but also against moderate Muslims - in their eyes collaborators with the enemy. The AIVD attributes this to an identity crisis into which much foreign youth has fallen. Radical Islam offers them simple answers and a return in terms of self-respect that wider society can never supply. The AIDV warns that this radicalising of youth is hard to fight. It circumvents the necessity for terrorist organisations to seek recruits in prisons or mosques. Many young Muslims take the initiative themselves and search the internet for information and texts by radical imams. They have already asked themselves whether they are willing to act, and answered in the positive. The AIVD calls them potential time bombs. But welcome though the report is for its realism, what I miss is the idea that the radicalised young Muslim does not arrive from nowhere fully-formed. He has already shown himself through other, lesser acts of antipathy to Dutch life, by and large criminal in nature. These are by no means all small moments of rebellion. There are hundreds of gang rapes committed in the large Dutch cities, the average age of the victims being, most shockingly, just thirteen. Personally, I am convinced that most of these and a widespread array of other crimes against the host community are in fact acts of pure racial hatred. And it is precisely this endemic criminality that is, in the long term, the gravest threat to Dutch society. It may not be as spectacular as a terrorist murder but its effect is close to home and it destroys not one life but thousands. Educated, working families are leaving in droves the destabilised Dutch society. Australia, Canada and New Zealand are the pin-up countries for those craving the great outdoors and old-fashioned civility. See at:;sessionid=F5RJ2GJQL0L2LQFIQMGSM5OAVCBQWJVC?xml=/news/2004/12/11/wneth111.xml&secureRefresh=true&_requestid=138841
- Dawa means literally: “appeal” (to become Muslim).
P.S.: Some important numbers about the gang rape problem in Holland. The gang rape problem in the Netherlands was recently couched in an exact number: 200 (two hundred) cases each year (Article in Dutch: This information is genuine. It was even aired on the radio in Flanders. But reality is in fact much worse. This is even admitted by the Dutch Justice department. Many girls hesitate to report to the police. It has been calculated that in 66% of the cases the culprits are of allochthonous descent. In Belgium the Moroccan youth stays on top of the list. I suppose it to be the same in the Netherlands. In the Netherlands, the rapists have an average age of 14 years. They do it as entertainment and don’t feel guilty. It’s also a way to show virility. On the other side, 75% of the victims are native Dutch girls. Their average age is 13 (thirteen)! In Flanders (Belgium) the situation is not yet so dramatic, for the time being. There the Moroccan Arab youth is apparently still more reluctant to launch such a full scale rape attack against the native “dhimmi"-people, althought there is already much “steaming”, see at: Perhaps out of fear for a backlash from the well-organised Flemish Interest conservative party?
Flanders in Belgium - Johan - --Jvb Jan 5, 2005
Further comments see: Monday, January 03, 2005
Send from me your tired, your poor ...
[edit]... Your huddled masses mourning for a lost home, The wretched refuse of your - now my - teeming shore, Send the homeless tempest-tostto me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door. (Lady Liberty)

I happened to see this poster alongside in the quality newspaper de Standaard in Flanders (Belgium). Some pages further, there was a major article called “Sytze van der Zee about Dutch society after Fortuyn”. It’s an interview with Mr. Sytze van der Zee who has written a book about it, called “Daughters of Khadija” (Dochters van Khadija). He is pro the multicultural society, but unfortunately he is rather selective in the chosen facts (about Dutch soccer for instance) + the obligate fiction. He even condones that Moroccan boys like to shout: “Hamas, hamas, all Jews to the gas”.
Full text (in Dutch+registration): and
BTW, this is not an isolated event: see for instance: Is written : “Mijn eerste kennismaking met de SP was met de paginagrote advertentie in een landelijk dagblad met de leus: Vol is Vol, alle racisten het land uit!” Translation: “My first introduction to the Socialist Party <not to confuse with the larger PvdA in the Netherlands> was with the full-page advertisement in a nationwide daily with the slogan: Full is full, all racists must leave the country.”
Flanders in Belgium - Johan - --Jvb Jan 7, 2005
Further comments see: Thursday, January 06, 2005
An evening in Amsterdam
[edit]On the evening of Monday January 17 in the Oosterpark neighbourhood of Amsterdam a 19 year old motorcyclist, Ali el Bejjati, died in a tragic road accident (in Dutch) He had collided with a tree, as do hundreds of motorcyclists every year. But Ali’s death is not just one more road accident statistic. The spot where it happened is emotionally charged: just around the corner film-maker Theo Van Gogh was assassinated. Only two months after that shocking event this road accident has exploded into another national issue for the Dutch. Television news even gave it greater prominence than George Bush’s inauguration.
The Oosterpark is sixty percent non-Dutch these days, and Ali was of Moroccan descent. On the tree against which Ali lost his life there were pinned some scraps of paper, upon each a paeon to the dead man.
“Ali, you were one of the few with a heart of gold.,” one reads. “Always thought your future would be great. You were a hardworking boy with two jobs. The ending of your life was unjust, but now you are with Allah. You are a soldier and you will not be forgotten because deep in our hearts you will continue to live forever”.
Two jobs? One a soldier? Oh, surely not - “Ali was a good boy” said twenty-three year old Saïd, “I was with him at the Koran school”.
But in death this good boy has become a focus of a criminal prosecution that shows early promise of mixing Tony Martin with race. For Ali’s family and friends are now accusing the driver of the car involved in the accident of racism and murder and she – for it is a forty-three year old mother of two – is now under investigation for manslaughter.
This is the story. Ali and an accomplice were on theft-patrol when they saw the opportunity to snatch a bag out of a car. Being on a motor-cycle they couldn’t have foreseen any difficulty with making a getaway. But the driver and owner of the bag responded by pursuing them. The street being too narrow for her to turn the car around, she quickly selected reverse-gear and backed after them. She actually caught the motorcycle but, in the act, crushed it against the tree. Ali died on the spot. His companion fled.
Local residents have confirmed that the driver did not appear to ram Ali’s motorcycle intentionally. There is certainly no proof that she did so. But the Dutch Judiciary sees it otherwise. The Public Prosecutor insists that by driving backwards she had taken an unacceptable risk. Therefore, she must be prosecuted, and manslaughter is the charge. As Mayor Cohen of Amsterdam said, “ the perpetrator is the victim and the victim is the perpetrator.”
She risks a maximum sentence of fifteen years in prison (in Dutch) . For this reason, perhaps, a Dutch professor of criminal law has argued that the Public Prosecutor will struggle to gain a conviction and that the charge should be converted to “death by fault”. A guilty verdict there would attract a sentence of up to nine months. The driver, meanwhile, has been allowed to go home pending the results of the investigation. Naturally, she is much traumatised.”
Now a little more about Ali. On the very afternoon on which he died he was due to appear in court for the armed robbery of a store. The Public Prosecutor requested a sentence of two years custody. Well, the Dutch tax-payer will not have to bear the cost of Ali’s imprisonment. But the case puts Ali’s character in a different light. Hard working with two jobs? I don’t see any reason for Ali’s canonization by the Moroccan community. Moreover, the Amsterdam police are now investigating whether the two raiders, of whom one is dead and the other is on the run, were connected to a recent wave of robbery east of the Oosterpark. Several women have been systematically and brutally robbed of their bags. Often, the blows fell thick and fast (in Dutch)
Last Friday evening the Dutch television program Netwerk (in Dutch) followed a journalist visiting the Oosterpark. He interviewed at random a group of seven or eight youths in the street. They smiled and declared, “Stealing is not abnormal. We all do it.”
And so we come to my reason for telling you this story. It is not only because of its immediate legal relevance or because of the plight of the car driver, revealing though these things are. No, I was not happy with the international versions of the story disseminated this week-end by, for example, the NRC Handelsblad (in Dutch - paying) The copy was almost entirely stripped of the wider context, indeed all those elements that might invoke some emotion in the reader. And why do you think that was? Perhaps a few Wikipedia readers, at least, will understand more than the media establishment in Holland thinks you should.
Post scriptum:
In the Dutch daily De Telegraaf was suggested that Dutch Minister of Justice Donner and the top of the Public Prosecutors were “involved” in the formulating of the charge of manslaughter against the lady car driver.
The minister reacts furious. He says that he was only “informed” about the background of the matter. There was no interference, he contends. The handling and the formulation of the charge are a matter and the responsibility of the office of the Public Prosecutor in Amsterdam, where the event took place, he adds.
--Jvb Jan 24, 2005
Further comments see: Monday, January 24, 2005
Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest party),formerly Vlaams Blok,in Belgium
[edit]Belgium’s biggest party (Vlaams Blok) has been murdered by Eurabia’s allies, who have not only voted draconian laws, but who also have installed the Thought Police to apply these draconian laws. Is that enough to mention such an event?
By founding a new party (costs 2 million dollar) the Flemish uprising against Eurabia is not yet crushed.
See at: and and and
Flanders 11/2004
The struggle continues:
--Jvb Jan 15, 2005
--Jvb Apr 20, 2005